Dear Tea Party Lover,
Thank you for interest in how to start a tea party business. Those of us who want to be in this type of hospitality service have such a kind souls, therefore that is why this post is difficult to portray.
Unfortunately I receive several requests a month requesting information and individually helping everyone has become quite a chore. Especially since individual states have different laws and licenses. I also feel a bit uncomfortable giving advice when I don't happen to know particular circumstances.
I am currently working on an instructional eBook and hope to make that available in the future. With my experience in professional event planning combined with my love for tea parties, I hope that it will be a useful resource in how to plan these types of special occasions. But with life so busy with two businesses and an active family, time is scarce to dedicate to such an undertaking. I am collecting an interest list for when the eBook launches, so should you like to be contacted when it is available please send an email to theparteaplanner [at] gmail [dot] com and type "ParTea eBook" in the subject line.
In the mean time, you may want to search for instructional tea business courses which are available throughout the country and easily found on the internet. I know that TeaTime Magazine has several resources for those types of tea businesses, but I cannot vouch for the content as I have never participated in any type of course.
Again, I thank you for your interest and I wish you much success in future endeavors!
Risa Provencio
The ParTea Planner